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Chris Voss

Better Every Day


In this episode

In this episode, Randall Kaplan and Chris Voss talk about reframing setbacks as setups that lead to something better.  They discuss the two caveats for taking advice from someone, the three techniques to a safe resolution, and the exponential benefits of incremental improvement.  Chris shares how his experience in hostage negotiation has transferred to business and provides actionable techniques for negotiating in both our personal and professional lives.

Topics Include:
- Post-traumatic growth.
- Victim mentality and bullies.
- Negligible shifts that can result in major differences in outcome.
- The “win or learn” mindset.
- Ways to unofficially recruit a mentor.
- Mirroring, labeling, and delivery in negotiations.
- Lessons from hostage negotiation that taught Chris about preparation and making mistakes.
- The art of listening.
- The ability to say no and protect your time.
- The value of kindness.
- The ways to lead a team.
- The most valuable investment you can make.
- And other topics...

Chris Voss spent 24 years working for the FBI in their crisis negotiation unit. He was the FBI's chief international hostage and kidnapping negotiator where worked on more than 150 cases, including the 1993 world trade bombing and the 1996 TWA flight 800 explosion. He is the recipient of the Attorney General's Award for Excellence in Law Enforcement and the FBI Agents Association Award for Distinguished and Exemplary Service. Today, he is an adjunct professor at Georgetown University School of Business and a lecturer at USC Marshall School of Business. He's the CEO of the Black Swan Group, which provides training, negotiation, and leadership skills for executives. He is also the author of the bestselling book Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It.



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